The dynamics of the colors and how they support you

It is known that colors have a big impact on our psyche and thus on our mood and the general.

Start now and use the power of colors in early spring

Colored handsPerhaps you want to use decorative objects such as vases, pillows, blankets, candles ... the power of colors for you.

We go through the most important colors here and look at their energy.

In general, one can say that all the following colors become a little more velvety and gentler when you die down with the color white. Which can even increase your vibration in the tinted version. 

See the effect of the color red to pink.

With its pastel colors, spring is just the right time to use the power of colors for themselves.


Red is one of the most powerful colors - in any direction. Red is also expressed in connection with the old goddess in the year. In her form as a mature woman/ mother, she wears red as an association for blood (menstrual period), sexuality and ability to reproduce.

The Basic The color has red in us. Topics that are related are ground, passion, fire, courage, strength, vitality, love and sexuality but also aggression and the negative aspects of passion and firepower.

You should keep red in the apartment on the back burner. Some splashes of color for vitality, freshness and better grounding can be enough. 

You knew: In Italy, women traditionally only wear red underwear over Christmas, which should probably stimulate their own passion but also that of the partner for the new year.


This color is clearly one of the romantic colors and is often used by lovers at weddings, for example. Rosa is assigned to the element of water and expresses love, romance, tenderness, sympathy and affection. In addition to green, it is one of the two colors of the Heart chakra And is connected to Venus. 



Orange is the color of the Sexual chakras And is not just a red torn in yellow. Orange has its own qualities. It supports the opening for more joie de vivre and the activation of creativity and lightness in life. This color is assigned to the element air and can bring a lot of momentum to life.

Oranges MandalaOther topics connected to orange and support the 2nd chakra:  Sensuality, loving warmth, eroticism, feel with the heart, promote the heart opening.

Orange can be drowned out with the color of the white and you have apricot. A beautiful color in which you can also dress well.



The 3. Chakra or sunny network This color carries in the middle of the body. The old goddess also likes to wear yellow yellow in the time of unbraked growth in nature until Litha, the summer solstice.

Yellow is the undisputed favorite when it comes to the color of the summer. Like no other color, it symbolizes joy, liveliness, alertness, freedom and adventure.

If we fill our environment with this color, we also feed our 3rd chakra. This is important because the solar plexus is the area in which our self -love, our self -confidence and our appreciation lies for ourselves.

With the color of the sun yellow, we counteract a bad mood and even depression. If we surround ourselves with this solar color, we strive for clarity, self -power, inner peace and personal responsibility.



Why do we like to travel in nature, in the forest and on meadows? Sure, green is simply a wonderful color. It compensates for and neutralized when our heart is bad.

The color of the heart is green. That is why topics such as: growth, harmony, partnership love, balance, satisfaction, dedication and full -time growth are firmly anchored in the color.

The Heart chakra Wear green and the old goddess can always be seen green with the color throughout the year.

With green plants, of course, the easiest way is to bring this color into the apartment. Especially in spring it can also be a whole series of decorative items with which we bring the freshness but also the power of compensation into the house with green.



The color blue does not appear so often in nature. We perceive blue as cool and cleaning. Blue is reminiscent of the element of water and its infinite depth. But also with clarity and the calm of the inner truth and wisdom.

We have two chakras that wear shades of blue. The Hawkra Is light blue and that Forehead chakra is indigo blue. A dark blue with already a touch violet, which is known to be the color of mysticism and the connection to the source and the infinite.

Blue in its different forms let us immerse yourself in our unconscious. It also stands for intellectual development but also for remembering our own old knowledge.

We can grasp blue when we retire meditatively in ourselves and have confidence in the all -encompassing plan, in which we are always integrated. In such an attitude, blue can help us to let go of everything we wear in old habits and thought patterns.

Blue also stands for loyalty, relaxation, dedication. Umgib with blue and you get support for your healing power.

Note: If you have a lot of dark blue in the apartment, then feel in again and again and notice if you have enough of it. Then get a more active color so that you can find again in activity, freshness and liveliness.


Woman with a lot of color on the face and hands on her cheeksViolet and purple

Violet, the color of the vertical chakra and thus the connection to the higher worlds. Violet carries the topics of spirituality, mysticism, alchemy, magic, meditation, in connection with all beings of the earth live and accept what is.

Violet can sometimes be very (he) pressing. If you still want to surround yourself, it can help to make a brighter purple from violet with white.

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