Hello, I'm Rena,
Founder & owner of Ritual Manufaktur ®
My intention
People, by experiencing their own ability to act, to bring them into their middle.

My work:
High -frequency, natural solutions for body, mind and soul. Mental training. Constellations. Holistic
Training for adults and children.
And that is exactly my mission:
I want to show the world how it goes without saying, at the same time "modern" and simply the old path. How beneficial nature gives you everything in your everyday life if you only like to look.
To bring wonderful, natural products with a high frequency into the life of each individual who enrich their everyday life and
want to give themselves with the old paths.
To remind people of our origin and the gifts that nature and our ancestors gave us.
As you may have already read in some reports, I, as it belonged at the time, enjoyed a "decent, commercial" training (my mother calmed it down very well), made up my specialist studies in a part-time job and was on the road for 17 years in the HR area, 24/7.
During this time my little rituals found their place rather secret and lived on as a hidden part of me. I have visited many seminars for plant science or energetic working methods privately, of which I would never have told in the office. 😉
It was simply not common to talk about energetic things in everyday office life. But this time was very important for my personal development, because I was able to prove myself that I can do everything in this world, regardless of where I start.
My specialty is the solution finding and movement in combination with personal life topics from the information field and the blockade solution in the private and professional environment, taking into account the individual, personal challenges.
Here I use my many years of professional experience from the training and management area, as a professional for personnel and sales management, as well as my training and further training as a certified systemic coach, NLP, Hypnose coach, youth mentor and training management, information field analysis coach, naturopathic and herbalism, as an astrocreator, including m.
I am a very curious person and when I feel time stress in life, then rather because I love to have new experiences, to learn new things and to bring everything together into an overall picture.
After so many years, it was time for me to return home. That had many private reasons and I was also sorry to be available 24/7, constantly moving and not being able to take root.
Furthermore, I had developed a fairly good eye for who simply stuck to my employees in a wrong job, just because it expected "the environment" so that they would have to watch how they leached out and got sick.
After a few detours it was clear to me that I "rejected" horns and I don't want to do this job anymore!
I went more and more into the personal, energetic
Coaching to pick up people elsewhere. Here was in 2020 (you can guess why) quickly over. Many did not dare
More out and I was not ready to implement various requirements.
Viewed today, it was a great gift and how
always, wonderfully led ...
During this time, for the time being, I got to know Ana-Sia, Jeannette and Lena. Our girls from Conscious-seinskreis.de, with which we then went online in order to continue working there and reach like -minded women who suffered a lot from the time of isolation at the time.
That was very exciting because we were able to experience ourselves completely new. Many techniques had to be thought out again, adapted and
to be changed. There were many challenges and a lot of growth. From this we became our own use on ritual accessories, incense etc. And even that of our customers, until it was clear, without an additional business it won't work!
I decided without further ado to build a small shop in which our customers can order themselves. Because we had noted on countless adhesives of adhesives what we can order for the customers and where to
it should then be sent further.
The product selection did not take place with us (as my inner clerk often triggered) after price/performance. It was always the energy that was important to us first.
Does it call? Does it go? Does it want to transform something? How? To whom? Where? What energy does it bring with it?
A nice example of this is the cocoa:
Ana-Sia, our little globetrotter and enthusiastic
Plant lovers, which seems to have a very special connection with every planting va, brought this wonderful medicinal plant and thus the cocoa in
Our life and somehow it didn't let go of it.
However, in the years of cooperation we have developed a common “whisper” while testing and selecting (maybe we have here too
celebrated a lot of constellation work, who may say that in the end), but the fact was:
The energy didn't fit!
Our cocoa at the time did not wore the energy that we wanted to enjoy or offer others.
So we set off and tested, felt and tried.
So we keep it today, with every new product.
- Quality
- Effect
- origin
- Energy and goals of the producer
- Fair supply chain
- Ecologically clean and in harmony with nature?
- More than organic quality?
- Price?
We would like to give everyone the opportunity to start their own trip lovingly and without constraints.
In my eyes, the old paths are completely underestimated and, in my opinion, were completely wrong,
butt or covered with unfulfilled conditions.
Many are afraid of taking the first step or doing something "wrong" instead of being encouraged and lovingly accompanied on their trip.
The current time, more than ever before, pushes back to nature and every single one of us into self -awareness and self -healing.
Sometimes this is not so easy when the simplest things are no longer given by the hand, as was a matter of course a few decades ago.
In my professional practice (I also like to call it my life before), I have always had the experience that many
Feel that you got lost somewhere, but don't know any way back to yourself.
Little by little, on the way to myself, I became more and more conscious how driven many of us walk through this world and
Actually only looking for your inner home without knowing that this exists at all.
Many have lost the understanding that nature grows around us with every plant that grows around us, both an emotional and physical support. Rather was allowed
I observe that there is more afraid of the wrong selection of suitable kitchen herbs and their side effects than before taking a wrong medication.
This made me very sad because I am firmly convinced that nature can give us everything we need,
If we are only ready to pay attention to and learn.
For this, however, it is necessary to go to personal responsibility and to shake off the external determination. This by simple recipes, small
Instructions or simply reaching a helping hand is the goal of our manufactory.
Let yourself be inspired, be brave and trust yourself enough to go on a magical journey into the world of nature.
In nature -loving love