100% natural, bio -certified croollo, ceremonial raw cocoa from Madagascar
If you would like to develop in your full strength, this is the place for you!
With his powerful, wild side and love
he leads you back into your inner strength and serenity.
Particularly suitable for:
Community ceremonies
Gauge trip
Everyday situations
Constellation work
Deep dance & movement sessions & meditations
Creative processes
enjoyment of life
I trust my inner strength and my knowledge.
I know that I always have everything I need at the right moment.
Origin & interesting facts:
This cocoa ceremony is very soft, fruity and gently in taste. If you feel powerless, everything seems too tight, he supports you in finding your own strength back and connecting you and everything around you.
The inviting, strengthening power of this cocoa is stirring and invigorating.
He asks you to flow and at the same time to enter your strength. It is very loving and calming, but also demanding. It pushes into activity, acting and working. He would like to remind you that, out of yourself, you can create everything.
He invites you to enter the field of your own strength with his calming and now brought love here and now, here and now, at this moment, at this moment. He a good companion in difficult processes, which helps to widen the heart and let love rise in you.
Do you feel like more?
-> Open cocoa -Our online ceremony offer for beginners and repeat offenders
-> Offline events, accompanied by us personally
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