Did you know why, especially in India, copper cups, copper drinking bottles or generally copper vessels are so popular?
Copper is a polycrystalline metal that has a central area with a cube structure. Immediately after silver, copper is the strongest energy -master.
Copper has an antibacterial effect, increases the pH of the water and makes it alkaline.
Drinking water that is kept in a copper bottle therefore has significant health benefits and is highly valued by Ayurveda and health experts.
Due to its special properties, which should be very beneficial to our health, it has been used particularly for the improvement of drinking water.
Knowledge fund about copper in general, as part of what we can write public here;):
- Copper is important in red blood cells
- Copper is an antimicrobial, anti -inflammatory and also acts as an antioxidant
- Copper is essential for collagen production and important for the cardiovascular system, also for the lungs, iron metabolism and the neurons
- Copper has anti-aging effects and is good for our skin and hair
- In Ayurveda, water is stored in copper containers overnight and then drunk in the morning to enjoy its advantages
- Copper is an amplifier and supports our chakric river
- Copper disinfects itself every 8 hours, is poisonous for bacteria, mold and other microorganisms
- Copper door handles have always cleaned themselves, which is why there used to be a lot more door handles made of copper materials
- Copper pipes in houses are quite useful because they regulate the bacteria independently
- Our ancestors handed over the following:
"No matter how big you are when you drink water, enjoy it from copper so that your strength & energy is preserved in you." - Copper is also essential for the production of healthy proteins and formation of new body cells.
- Improvement of blood circulation in hair follicles that is crucial for hair growth
- Copper increases our frequency and protects our strength /energy /
Taken from various, unknown sources.
There are countless scientific studies on this topic. With this article, we would like to encourage you to expand your knowledge, to inform yourself and to look outside the box.
Make yourself smart and you will be surprised at the gifts that keeps pure copper water for you
How do we like to enjoy our copper water?
Drinking water that is kept in a copper bottle therefore has significant health benefits and is recommended by Ayurveda and health experts.
Laboratory tests show that the ideal warehouse time is between 8 and 12 hours in which the copper content of the water continuously increases. However, the water is not more than 12 hours. Alternatively, the water can also be drunk immediately after filling, as from any conventional drinking jar.
However, please keep in mind that only to fill clear water into your copper vessels. Hot water will ensure that you can no longer touch the copper vessels.
Juices and acids may react with the metal and may make the drink inedible. If you would like to add some taste, fill a copper water into a carafe and then mix it in a glass with your juice or maybe with a beautiful essential oil, such as lemon or orange.
Is there a risk of copper poisoning when using copper bottles or cups?
The amount of copper, which is absorbed by water stored in our copper vessels, is completely safe.
The risk of copper poisoning only arises when copper is consumed in large quantities. It is known that water with values above 2.0 mg/l should not be used to drink. In the experiment carried out by our laboratory, however, the copper content in the water remained at a low level, even after a warehouse time. In order to enjoy the optimal advantages of copper water carefree, we recommend a maximum storage time of 12 hours.
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