Räuchergefäß Mahan Eisen mit Holzgriff - Ritualmanufaktur.de
Räuchergefäß Mahan Eisen mit Holzgriff - Ritualmanufaktur.de
Räuchergefäß Mahan Eisen mit Holzgriff - Ritualmanufaktur.de

Incense vessel Mahan iron with wooden handle

Regular price€19,99
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Smeck vessel Mahan

Iron with wooden handle
L: 28 cm, Ø 11.5

Smoking vessels with wooden handle
These vessels are particularly well suited for space and aurary cleansing. The long wooden handle can be easily carried around in the apartment. Go from space to space with slight swivel movements and smoke the corners carefully. In the case of aurary cleansing, you go with slight swivel movements from bottom to top around the person and you or her or him the smoke flags.

Essential ingredients:

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Bettina Heinzl
Einfach schön

Ein wunderschönes, wertiges Eisenpfännchen zum Ausräuchern von Räumen.

Marion Breier

Die tolle Beratung und Hilfestellung:)
Die kleinen Extras;)

Der Deckel hält leider nicht in der Kipp Stellung.

Herzlichst, Marion

Animal test -free


Sustainable & energetic

100% natural ingredients

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