You are criticized - so what?
This heading is a little exaggerated, because we are mostly upset when we are criticized. We immediately go to self -criticism and are worried. This runs automatically in the head - and it is difficult to prevent ...
We think of criticisms from the past and even criticism that could come in the future. Actually madness!

But whenever someone indicates our mistakes, often with subtle hints and advice, which could be improved - of course only well - but always with a raised index finger, then it saws our self -esteem.
Perhaps it is basically not that badly criticized. Perhaps it is only so that this is very explicitly criticizing a small mosaic stone in our entire mosaic image that bothers us and where we are always concerned that it is not noticeable to others because we do not forgive ourselves to have a small mistake.
We are deeply social beings and it is only natural that this sting of criticism hurts us. If we have 100 mosaic stones in our personal mosaic, which allows us as a person as a whole and this a small mosaic stone bothers us and comes into the crossfire of criticism, then we are met throughout our personality. And as if that would not be enough, we add things from the outside that we carry in ourselves and cannot forgive ourselves.
These are "bonus pain", so to speak. So we hammer on ourselves and take one more on ourselves with the criticism that comes from the outside.

Where do these "bonus pain" come from? Too many negative emotions, experiences, thought patterns and memories?
Things that accompany us to this day because we have never been able to let go?
Our bright sides and our dark sides.
Is every criticism that comes, really and actually the terrible experience that we fear? Usually not!
If we deal with criticism in such a way that we take what is useful for ourselves, then we have already made a good part of the way. Because then we learn from it and go on.
We say thank you that we were allowed to learn!
When we start to accept criticism, it will lose her impending shadow, which hangs over us like a sword of Damocles. Only this knowledge alone, invites us with energy and makes us live more easily.
But how exactly should we implement this?
If criticism comes in any form - then it would be the best we do not react immediately and immediately. If we treat our mind a little break so that it can "sort" himself, then we are simply more sure that we will react objectively to this criticism.
Slowly approach the matter, let the air out of the situation so that nothing gets out of hand.
While the part of the brain, which houses the old emotions, needs two-three seconds to "sort", all helpful "resources" can be activated in the head.
In the meantime we can "anchor". For example, think of people who love us as we are or we think of the many good things we have done in our lives.
If we are able to objectively look at the criticism in your aspects and parts, then we can make an appropriate decision about it. Perhaps we even come to the view that the criticism was little wrong ...
Maybe all of this can be accepted as a "thoughtful proposal"?
The fact is, if we are able to deal with criticism, we can stop walking through our lives on egg shells in order to fundamentally avoid difficulties or even to be fixed not to make any mistakes.
If we acknowledge that criticism in their various forms and tastes will simply remain a fact in life and that everyone has their bright and dark sides, then only one thing remains to say: so what! This is life!
So if you are criticized again, then helps: accept - adjust crowns - back straight - chest out - go on.

It's time to live brave, freer and clearer!
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