Women's days - what is left
Day 1 - Monday, May 1, 2023 - arrive
We arrive slowly and meet in the room at 5 p.m. after a loving greeting.
I was in the nearby forest beforehand and have already managed a nice place where we want to design a ritual in the next few days.
We imagine - what do I see in the other - what do I see in myself.
Already now, in this increased frequency of loving exchange, some of the tears - wonderfully "redeeming" are running.

We are in a circle and press the palms against each other. The energy shoots up - incredible.
Then we danced like the "wild" and in the evening after dinner we sit around the campfire.
It is already clear - we will experience a lot of support from the spiritual world!
Day 2 - Tuesday, May 2, 2023- Time for femininity
I still get the information from our inner earth in bed that they will be there for us today and help us to bathing the forest and with the new connection with the natural beings.
We meet at 10 a.m. and celebrate a cocoa ceremony. Today we are around the big square around the campfire - especially for the participants who have never experienced a cocoaozeremony, everything is very impressive.
After that we all went into the nearby forest together. Have a blanket or something to lie on it.
We find the place that I had already scouted out yesterday. It is a "heal" area with positive energy. There are high spruce - many firs - a lot of blueberries and over all the hooked bumblebees and some bees.
We call the elements and immerse yourself in them - each TN feels with their etheric body in the middle of the elements.
Everyone should feel in itself: which element is strongly represented in it - which weaker. In accordance with it we go into balance with all elements and equalize over our etheric body.
Then we sit down or put under a tree - each for itself. We go into healing flows.
We have a lot of support from the spiritual world - it is noticeable ...
We eat at noon until late at 3 p.m. We are flat. The afternoon is free and so we are in the garden or are in conversation and exchange with each other.
We eat around 7:30 p.m. and meet in the room at 9:30 p.m.
It's about the hot chair. If you like, sit down and just wait. We make a first part of a line -up. It should only be recognized and accepted, not to dissolve or integrate.
We have 4 volunteers. And yet we are surprised that we are ready at 10:30 p.m. Hey helped many - and the candidates on the hot chair also helped!
3rd day - Wednesday, May 3, 20o23 - Transformation
We meet in the room at 10 a.m. We open the room and invite all helpers to all supporters from inner earth.
Activate the body and perceive it consciously.
We perceive all the old stories that are still embodied. We perceive where they are embodied.
First it's about stripping - very long music and very exhausting for many.
Then feel the body again.
Acceptance of the new - also for a very long time 1 hour 11 minutes to be precise.
My part today: Healing impulses for the etheric level through all times - all structures - all levels.
We eat again late at noon - around 3 p.m.
Then the group shares itself. Some go to the sauna - and then sunbathing.
Some go into the forest again - calmly and to the nature beings there.
The nature beings accompany us - bumblebees are also fairies.
We say goodbye to the forest there and the natural beings ask ourselves to leave something as a gift here for the forest.
Dinner at 7 p.m. and then campfire. I read the story of "Alona".
Day 4 - Thursday, May 4, 2023 - Integration
We are amazed in the morning that part of the integration is already completed and done. Many thanks to our hard -working helpers!
We meet for a 2nd cocoa ceremony at 10 a.m. Carla and Silvia are there. They belong to the Kieselhof - they are happy to accept the invitation.
We are busy until 11:15 a.m. and go seamlessly into the map session.
It takes quite a long time - but is very nourishing and clarifying for some participants. A lot of transformation happens again.
We eat at noon at 2:30 p.m. and then go to rest for 1 hour.
Meeting at 4:15 p.m. - some drive to a nearby waterfall - walk and stand under the "natural shower".
Dinner at 7 p.m.
Meet at 9:15 p.m. in the room. Final meditation: I am a mother tree until around 10:30 p.m.
>>> We switch to the other side like a shamanic journey.
- We are all mother trees. I feel all the elements - I as a being.
- We bring the soul of the mother trees here.
- We feel that women can grow these mother trees again.
We rest in us >> Everything comes to us - if we rest - everything we need may find the way to ourselves >> We give everything: protection, at home, home, nourishing, which also feeds me - I nourish everything.
Day 5 - Friday, May 5th - Completion
In the morning we meet again in the room and close all the rooms and fields that we had opened for the week.
We give ourselves strength in a circle - hold our hands and speak briefly what we take away from these women.
It was just miraculous! We'll be back.
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