Who doesn't know that ...
You get up in the morning, feel strong. You are sure: nothing can throw me around. Everything runs smoothly - all traffic lights on green - even the dreaded morning traffic jam is limited and cheerfully agreed you reach the workplace.
Hey, what a great day!
Where is your self-value now? Sure, in the green area - at the top of the scale - on 10 out of 10 points.
Let's assume now, in the middle of the day there is suddenly a damper.
In addition to all the many small, beautiful things that have a positive impact on you that day, something unexpected happens. Maybe a colleague gets angry towards you and accuses you of something that is not true. You feel treated unfairly and passed out. Or suddenly the rumor makes the round that a wave of discharge should shrink the employees on half or you can find out that your best friend, the best friend, has received a very bad health diagnosis.
And the time has come: In the brain everything switches to "alarm - alarm".
Even if you are shaken by events of every size - of changes in health, changes in the professional environment, changes in your country or world, it is particularly important to find and keep a basis inside.
The basis is important inside
A basis. A physical place to feel safe - the stove and home, country and sea, a bed to fumble - but also places where you get the feeling of being loved.

Light and shadow - both must be!
This basis inside - this quiet place brings balance, brings balance, but only if we see both our light pages and our dark sides.
That can be difficult. Because who likes to look at his "bad" pages? Go back to your base and check why you reacted to a certain situation as you reacted ...
What scares you and what makes fear with you?
What made you angry?
What made you helpless where you wanted to be strong?
Go into this feeling again, live this feeling - the fear, the helplessness, anger, envy .... let everything come up again, feel it and - then say goodbye to these feelings.
What can you do for yourself
Live what makes you strong. How to stroke your cat, eat soup, make meditations, love others or show gratitude.
Check where your attention is going; Keep out of news, websites or interactions that have little value for you and, above all, only upset you.
Protect your own interests - focus on what you can control. Maybe you will take a new look at your health, your finances, your long -term goals and plans
Personally, I find that actions can take away fear and anger on their own behalf as a general "alarm" perceived in the body.
Conclusion: Find the value in yourself
Come in balance - take light and shadow as "true". With that you are in the present. In now. You don't stick to other people in the past and not on the reviews of other people.

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