The vibration of the inconceivable energies
The biologist Rupert Sheldrake shaped the term "morphic fields". This means the energies pulsating in the background that we cannot see with our eyes. However, we are involved in the morphic fields, like everything in nature. They are constantly around us and we can "feel" them through our deep.

It is about perceiving an atmosphere in a room or when we deliberately feel the difference whether we move in the forest or in a city.
The morphic fields form the order in the background of all systems that are subject to natural order.
We can feel or feel these "non -visible energies" - but they cannot be measured - classify - understand - name.
This atmospheric vibration can be felt not only between individuals, but also within a society, these energies are perceptible.
We can very well recognize whether the general vibration of fear or anger is carried in a society or whether a vibration of love and trust prevails.
And here is the point where everyone can do something for themselves but also for society and even for all of humanity: Excit yourself to a vibration of compassion, understanding and love for other people as well as to all beings who describe this planet as their homeland.

Your vibration in you should accept the energy you want to experience outside.
And if you want to experience cohesion, care, helpfulness and mindfulness in dealing with everything that shows you in everyday life, then strengthen this in you and you can trust that you strengthen the morphic field with all of this - but also on the outside - but also on the outside
You have the choice every day!
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