The storm of change
They are becoming increasingly clear - the storms that romp out "outside". All of this is meant from outside that does not happen in yourself.

No one needs someone who tells him what doesn't work and that he has to take it as it is. Everyone can always do something for themselves - even if that means that you
Must accept inconveniences - that you have to remove from a system that may even be harmful to responsibility for your own life.
Always stay in self -empowerment
The more we remember why we are here, the more we can swing in the harmony "with all-what". If I don't like the life that I don't like now, I wish for "elsewhere". But this other life is not yet there - and so my "elsewhere" is constantly moving into such a long way that I cannot enjoy the existing one now.
But if I'm not completely in here, how can I live a life there? Because if I am never in here - how do I ever get there in there? That may be confusing - that should be exactly that. Why? When I am confused by everything what is in my heart, what is in my brain and what I feel and mentally perceive, then the only way: back to the "what is" - back to life that I have real - and that is clear in the now - not yesterday and not tomorrow - but today.
Be in joy for the moment
The open heart - compassionate love - the complete acceptance of reality without judging. This brings complete peace and joy for the moment - because only at this one moment we are the greatest presence of what we are. The more we recognize that, the greater and more powerful we are than our mind -based ego can ever be ...
Three suggestions for a life in now
Fear nothing - keep growing beyond your fear. You will be able to experience joy only without fear.
Stop thinking about the past or worrying about the future - they don't exist now.
Let yourself be out of the socket - be aware that there is nothing that can threaten your inner peace and your joy - apart from your self -created prison from emotions and fears.
Are you ready for this? Use this mantra again and again

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