The solar plexus chakra - win confidence
The Solarplexus Chakra is also called sun mesh or 3rd chakra. Here is the seat of inner peace and personal authorization.
A strong sun in the best prerequisite for a strong personality.
If this level has been damaged or hindered in development, it is hardly possible to bring its potential into full development.
The 3rd chakra is located in the middle of the body between the sternum tip and the navel. It keeps the connection to some digestive functions and organs in the upper abdomen. The solar network is also in strong connection with the vegetative nervous system.
These organs are energetically assigned to the 3rd chakra
The pancreas (sugar carbohydrate metabolism) spleen, liver, stomach, bile, skin and vegetative nervous system
Digestive problems, stomach problems up to gastric ulcer, diabetes, overweight
Freedom, power, ego power, personality, self-confidence, fainting, control, knowledge, self-responsibility, self-expression, set limits, yes / no.
In this energy center in the middle of the body, the ability to individuality, analysis, the sensible use of power, the individual experience of life and relationships is expressed. Here is "digested" mentally, mentally, mentally and physically.
With the development of a strong 3. Chakra, people develop a good feeling for their own skills and potential.
It is easier to recognize and achieve the real goals in life.
I trust my feelings and my spontaneity
The color of the sun's mesh in the middle of the body sun yellow. Check what feelings revive in you when you surround yourself in yellow with things. For example: flowers, blankets, vases, pillows in this color.
Essential oils: Lavender, chamomile, lemon, anise,
Suggestion: make one Chakra fragrance massage For the sunny network in the middle of the body: mix a tablespoon of jojoba oil with two drops of lavender and two drops of anise. Massage the middle of the body from the navel to high to the breast approach.
Spices: Cardamom, anis
Medicinal herbs: Fennel, chamomile, juniper
Suggestion: Take 5 tablespoons of juniper berries and pushing them a little. Take 1 L red wine and put on the juniper berries in it. Let the whole thing go for 10 days. Drink a schnapps glass twice a day.
Chakra energy massage
Breathing exercise for the middle of the body
Ein sehr guter Beitrag zum Solarplexus, vielen lieben Dank.
Ich werde mich gezielt mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen ..
Ein sehr guter Beitrag zum Solarplexus, vielen lieben Dank.
Ich werde mich gezielt mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen ..
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