The dark time - use it for cleaning and clarification
You can find that in the post:
- How our ancestors saw the Samhain death festival
- Let change to: link to energetic body cleaning
- 5 points that support you in cleaning, clarification and structure
Samhain - We think of those who were here in front of us
In the transition from October to November we celebrate the festival of the old god of death Samain. The veil between our world and the world of ancestors venture and we can look more easily.
But also the spirits that we carry in ourselves are greater and more powerful these days. One or the other make life very difficult because they bring things to the surface that we did not feel in the active warm season.
Our Nordic and Germanic-Celtic ancestors saw this god of death in the colors black, gray and white. However, he was decorated with evergreen things from nature. Mostly with sting palms and with the green branches of spruce and fir. Because our ancestors knew exactly that these cold, gray days and the still colder dark nights are only part of what is shown to us:
The god of the dead of this time of year already has hope for new life.
Die and become new
Nature withdraws from the outside, the trees pull their juices out of the leaves back into the trunk, and into the roots deep in the earth. Everything rests there - until the winter solstice.
Then something very amazing happens. In the days after the winter solstice, the trees and plants slowly and not yet visible to us, their juices rise again. In the night of the winter solstice, the light is born deep in the earth.
This is the turn
In our ancestors, it was firmly anchored that the god of death Samain kidnapped the vegetation goddess into his realm and held her there. With it he testified the light that is born deep in the earth for the winter solstice and at the beginning of February (on February 2, IMBOLC or Mariä Lichtmess) will be more visible.
What holds us?
It is difficult for us to immerse yourself in this world of thought in our culture. And yet it is full of hope that from the dying nature, from the flipped forest again and again, the "becoming" emerges again and again.
Clean and then something internally nourishing during this time
Just as nature uses this time of resting, we should do that too. Especially at this time of the Samhain festival. To be at peace with yourself and your feelings presupposes that you do not close your depths, but joyfully immerse yourself in any experience.
And not only once but we should always seek experience - even if you don't yet know which processes will trigger this and where we will end up in the experience.
Let change too
It doesn't take that much to clean and clarify. Only your willingness to want to do something for yourself now.
Here is the link for a first one Energetic body cleaning
These 5 points support you in cleaning, clarification and structure
1. Habits bring you through the day but can also capture you
Look at your habits - which one have you wanted to let go for a long time? Changes are vital. Nature changes - dies to become new again. These processes take place constantly. Use this time of silence to get into this change process even. Sit down with your habits and decide to finally throw out of your life that let you hold on to the old.
2. Clean your field of life
Unlike your eyes and imagine your own energetic field around you. It is your field of life and you should be alone. Do you see other people in it? Then ask you lovingly that you leave your life circle and return to your own circle of life or build it up. No matter what other people are in your field of life, they pull your energy or leave their memories with you who can burden you.
3. Let old feelings go
We have experiences every day. That is natural and also good. Experience is usually associated with feelings. That too is noticeable for us. Sometimes we laugh - sometimes we cry. Both are ok. The feelings then lived through and we should let them go.
Sometimes there are feelings that just don't want to go. Most of the time it is old feelings that appear again and again. Maybe you know that too. Feelings are stored in your “basement” - come up and trigger you, in the most impossible situations.
Immerse yourself in your "basement of feelings", bring a feeling that always boils up again and again. Feel through it - ask yourself if you still need it and then let go of it in your depths. This is pure deep cleaning on the emotional level!
4. Five minutes breathe
The most important moment of the day is very early in the morning before starting the day. Our brain is not so active in the morning and you can get into a meditative state faster. So give yourself in the morning before you get out of bed for 5 minutes and take care of your breath, breathe in and out a few times in the stomach. Imagine how you want to feel today.
5. Positive affirmations
Speak early in the morning before your day starts, positive affirmations such as: a new day and I feel a satisfied ego that day! Or find your own affirmation and your own ritual in the morning.
I wish you an inspiring time with all the changes and new things that can arise from it!
Your ritual manufacturer
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