Self -welfare - pats for the soul
We live in a kind of «end time». At the same time, this is also a time of the highest being. Living our best self, that challenges us. Every day again. In order to be able to deal with all the challenges, we only need one thing: ourselves. And with everything we have. With all parts of our self.
I take care of myself and my soul cheers!
- I'm careful with my body
- I am careful with my thoughts
- I deal with my heart carefully

Especially in December, when the days until the winter solstice are still shorter and the nights are getting longer and even darker, it is a good time to think, be grateful and complete things or if necessary to give out of life.
Don't let the feeling of an end be captured
Maybe something actually wants to "die" in your life - something wants to go. Don't let this feeling of “something ends” to be captured. Perhaps your living conditions change, the context in which your life is currently changing changes.
Let go of the identifications, the programming that were valid and correct for you. Let go of the concepts after which you lived for a long time.
Do we still need concepts?
For me, concepts often stand for the past. For orientations that give us a walking world. But these previous orientations are also changing. What you knew as a stop on your previous journey will dissolve or no longer apply. Loosen from concepts can be good energy to receive new things that want to be shown.
You yourself are not the trip - you are the traveler
That is a big difference. You are the travelers through the times. Leave the times behind you, because you are not the past and you shouldn't stick to the old stories of your trip.
You are not something. Be as a traveler in your presence. In the here and now. Everything else is just a story.

Be careful with your body
Body, mind and soul are a wholeness. The soul influences feelings, feelings influence the body. The body is the residence of the mind.
Good and healthy food is an important building block for physical well -being. You yourself decide which food you want to consume. Of course, it is important to eat fresh, healthy and regionally related foods. However, it is also important what inner attitude you eat your food with.
Bless your food
For example, you can do the following. Simply put your hands around the plate before eating. Please give food on the plate to give you vitality and health and bring your respect and love.
A conscious attitude to the food can help your body optimally evaluate the nutrients of your food. Thank you to your food for it and enjoy every bit to the fullest!
Treat your body something good every now and then
You will definitely know what your body is doing well. Your body consists of billions of cells. Listen carefully and can understand what your body wants to tell you. Sufficient movement and fresh air are certainly a basic requirement. But for example, for example, stroking units for our largest organ, the skin, are certainly also part of it!
Be careful with your thoughts and love of heart to yourself
What happens to our heart area and our thoughts when we drag too many negative emotions, experiences, thought patterns and memories with us?
We burden ourselves with a fairly large backpack, full of old ballast. Often we don't dare to open it and look in. The fear is too great that something will come out, which cannot be avoided. This lets you stick to the past and old stories because you are not ready to open your heart far - even for unpleasant, old experiences that you would like to see deeply buried.
But this buried costs strength and always leaves us in a negative thoughts of these old stories.
Be careful with what you think. About others and what you think about yourself Go out of evaluations about yourself and from reviews about other people. This is the prerequisite for a "positive basic vibration" in your brain and heart.
This positive basic vibration has a positive effect on your central nervous system and thus also on your body. So the better you think about yourself and let other people be the way they are - the more carefully you can deal with yourself because you can concentrate entirely on yourself.
That makes the decisive difference:
Become aware of yourself
Clean yourself from old
Come to your self -empowerment in this way
If you want to dive deeper into these topics of awareness, cleaning and self-empowerment, then find out more here on

Here you can watch the introductory video for the integrative cleaning package: To the video
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