Say about the answer. She is in you!
In April everything in you would like to open up to you what comes. Everything that wants to show inside and what comes to you from the outside. Are you ready for this? If so, you are a lucky guy!

Maybe you are still intensively busy with your innermost questions? And that is wonderful at first, because you are looking for more or less desperate and urgently an answer to the question: "What is the meaning of my life?"
We should understand that all answers always rush to us! You heard right: you already know the answer to your question. She is in you - she has always been in you - even if she does not show or can be captured crystal clear. Maybe she does it? Maybe you're just looking for in the wrong place?
Maybe you try to find the answer at the outside or are you looking for someone to provide you with this answer in a clear sentence?
The answer to the question: "What am I here on earth for?" Is already in you. She is waiting for the right time to show herself. Because she wants to find you as urgently as you are looking for.
If there is still a lot of unsolved in your heart, the answer to your question of the meaning of your life will hide from you. Turn to the unsolved in you, recognize it and make your deep peace with it. This triggers the first right step on your own, self -paversed path and the question of the meaning of this life will approach or show you.
Are you still in the bud? Are you ready to leave your “protective cover” now?
Life! Here I am
The crucial question in the phase, if you want to find the meaning of your life, is probably this: Can I leave my protection, which I have so carefully built around me and now go out into the unknown - possibly into uncertain freedom?
Register for our integrative cleaning package. The next dates in 2024 will still be announced.
Find out all the details of this wonderful journey into your self -empowerment here:
It's about positioning yourself
Something truly want, This is the prerequisite for finding the answers inside. Do you dare to do this first step - out of the hammock of security? Do you dare to activate your strength and also accept it?
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