Rituals - preparation and implementation
What is a ritual anyway?
It is simply something that is carried out after a given process. It often serves a solemn purpose. Something should have symbolic power.
Rituals are characterized by the fact that they have a defined start and a given end. Of course there are also rituals in our everyday life. These are also actions that follow a usual and certain process. Rituals are things that give us rest as we know the process. Rituals convey structure and security. They bring peace to an often hectic everyday life in which we have to act spontaneously and quickly.
I am talking about rituals who have a solemn character, such as the winter sun use celebration.
Of course, it is nice to celebrate such a ritual, especially for an important annual circle festival in a group. If you are alone, there is nothing against doing a ritual alone.
The focus is often on gratitude at an annual circle festival. A ritually designed annual circle festival differs from a normal meeting in that you take your time and consciously thanks Mother Earth for everything that was given by her.
The planning
Of course, you can also spontaneously carry out a ritual. But you can also follow a plan that you always create again or that has also become a ritual for years. Maybe you may follow the following cornerstones:
Goal and purpose of the ritual
Materials that are to be used. For example, candles, smokers, scents, herbs, crystals, symbols for the circle
The planned process (when is what is done)
What energy is needed and how is it built
The process
A ritual follows a certain process that I would like to list here briefly. Of course, you can always follow your own process. The one listed here is a sensible process, just as we carry out a winter sun pay in our circle.
The gathering
Already the gathering of all participants has something nice in the evening of the winter sun revenue celebration. Everyone is happy. Everyone brings something for the subsequent feast: one the mulled wine that tastes best outside in the cold. Someone thought of a dessert and someone else on the cake for the final coffee.
Everyone still has something to tell, all gifts get their place in the host's kitchen. After that, notes are traditionally unpacked in our group. Then it gets quiet.
The fire in the middle
Without a fire in the middle, there is no winter solstice celebration. Even if you celebrate alone for yourself, a fire inflamed. It characterizes the rebirth of light that evening.
The middle can also consist of other things on other annual cycles. For example, a large cloth or a bowl with things that embody the elements, for example. But here too there will be a candle or more burning somewhere. Candles or fire somehow are part of rituals. They symbolize liveliness, strength and energy.
Become quiet and collection of all participants
Perhaps one of the participants will take over the ritual management. At this point he would call the participants for the collection and to calm. A short ground exercise, a small meditation or prayer would then be good. This serves to ensure that the participants take the focus away from the outside and focus on the interior and again become aware of the meaning and purpose of the ritual.
Building the energy and if desired a "magical act"
Here it fits wonderfully when sang or drummed. In a group, you can also do it in such a way that everyone holds their hands briefly and people feel physically on the left and right. This creates a better connection.
If you are alone, you can also enjoy a suitable potion that you have blessed beforehand with a blessing or by simply focusing again on what should happen next.
During the winter solstice celebration, we would now throw the pieces of paper they brought with us in our group. What is on the notes? Everything that we no longer want to take into the new year, but what should stay in the old year. Everything you want to let go. These things are on this piece of paper. In the case of one, there is less on the note that he burns in the fire, less with the other. In order to make such a note, it would be good not to describe it in a hurry, but to start it as early as possible 12 days in advance and to always write something on it if something finds one.
Puting this note in the fire is a wonderful magical act. Everyone is quiet and watch the fire how it devours this note. This brief time is accompanied by this saying:
The day is short, the night is long.
Cold, hard, quiet, everything is there,
Become aware of the invisible.
Frösteln, showers, crouch together,
In silence, quietly reveals itself
The seed for the onward journey.
Moon and star light lead you
Verborge doors open.
Be together and celebrate
After the magical act, it's time to be together and celebrate. Celebration is an important aspect because it strengthens cohesion in a group. During the ritual at a winter solstice celebration, the time would now be time to break away from the fire and go into the warm room. So we say goodbye to the fire as a wonderful helper at the ritual and solve the magical circle.
We would like to thank all the helpers who accompanied us in this ritual, thank the elements that were in a circle, perhaps also with all the natural beings that we looked around curiously in this old farm garden of our hostess and we would like to thank Mother Earth again for their gifts, which we will now enjoy in the room.
If you carry out a ritual alone, then just be quiet for a few minutes and feel everything that has been shown and then thank you in your personal way with everyone who accompanied you.
Cleaning up
Cleaning up not only has a logistical purpose, but it reminds all participants again of the ritual that has already ended. It is sealed, so to speak, with everyone who participated.
Rituals are part of our life! We hope you enjoy your ritual!
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