Practice gratitude
A little exercise for gratitude
It is best to do this exercise in the evening:

1. Sit down comfortably. Put note and pen ready.
2. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breath.
Do this until you notice that calm returns into yourself.
If you have any difficulties to relax, then continue breathing normally and simply count your breaths. That distracts you from your thoughts.
3. Open yourself deeply and write down 3 things or moments that were good today and that you would be happy to remember. That can also be very small everyday things.
4. While you write, feel these moments again. So you bring the gratitude and joy back into your awareness that you had at the moment of experience and you alone increase your positive vibration.
5. Repeat that every day! :)

The newly designed grateful diary of our team member Lena is suitable for holding on and leafing through it: To the gratitude diary
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