Lively life
Today I would like to share these wonderful words from Willi Kratz.
Behavior, sometimes an inner tremor, a light -up in a joyful expectation of what may come, should, can, can. Reservation of feelings - and yet it knocks on. It knocks on the door of the inner liveliness, which rotates as part of the learned restraint. If I want to live alive, joyfully, intense, upright, upright and sincerely, I must not seek protection, security.
Then I have to jump without a network.

Must offer life the bare breast with open arms. To make me vulnerable also means to be truly opened up for the whole abundance of life, for all its aspects and levels.
I would like to pull the interior, follow the subtle reputation.
The inner child wants to be seen and revived, wants to be freed from the spill. It just wants to live and be what it is. The path can be bumpy and I feel courage and trust.
It can lead to freedom, through all colors of experiences, through deep fear and wild joy, through vulnerability, hope, openness, spontaneity, severity and lightness, truthfulness and clarity. And as a special gift of the gods, as a reward for the car, I might strand on the island of devotion - the dedication to life.
Devotion as a mental form of death, as the main soup of the spraying fireworks, which wants to be life.
"Because life is a glory ...".
I feel that it is worth every craziness to dare to experience it. I want to courageously face the ghosts and monsters who may besiege this path and look into their eyes. This is the only way to recognize them as part of myself, appreciate them, redeem them in me and convert their huge energy potential.
Transform it from fear into joy and love; From lethargy into lust for life. We all have the order and blessing of the gods.
Because "God" is another word for joy - life - love.
Willi Kratz / 02.02.2002
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