Leave the red area!
There is a "stress-o-meter" in my study. A scale that I made at some point. It has a red area above and a green area below.
When I realize that something stresses me, I go to the "stress-o-meter" and arrange my current brand on it. That alone helps me - admittedly not always - the stress level to drive down a lot.

Why is the red area not good for us?
Recently it was time again. Actually, it was just a little thing. I have known for weeks that I had to look for some receipts for the tax. Actually not a big deal. But the constant thinking alone caused me stress. If I had done the task immediately, it would certainly be done quickly. But some things just don't want to be done ...
I constantly had the feeling that a little irritated me that I was in a hurry for some reason, and only because it was still waiting for me. That alone triggered a feeling of pressure in me.
And none of this was triggered by an "attacker" from the outside. No! I put this pressure myself. I knew that everything was created by myself. Of course, my problems were tiny compared to the difficulties that are currently circulating in the world - but my "stress -o -meter" still shot up - and into the famous red zone.
What is the red zone now ???
First of all: what is the green zone. If our brain is in the green zone, we are at peace with us. All physical systems can refuel in this state, we are then characterized by a happy, loving spirit, are usually benevolent towards ourselves and our fellow human beings. We see the world in a green light!

If threats appear somewhere on the horizon, we let ourselves be driven into the red zone very quickly. The likeable nervous system, Which we need for the question "struggle or flight" activates within a heartbeat.
Stress hormones, such as cortisol, then shoot through the bloodstream. Ascending anger or emotions such as fears and a lot of heartache shoot through our minds - to the same extent as our beliefs. All negative experiences appear like out of nowhere!
In the red zone we are prepared for fear, possession and aggression.
If we are excited, anxious, frustrated, irritated or the feeling of being depressed or completely inadequate, then we are in the red zone - nothing like out!
So I calm down, take a deep breath, slowly, very slowly again - exhale at least twice as long as inhale. I relax and notice a quiet background that whispered to me: "Hey, cool yourself, turn back, make yourself easy, breathe, level up in the middle, inhale and exhale long ..."

At that moment, only the beautiful things are allowed, calming thoughts, rising pictures of a nice walk, the last vacation ... The mind becomes increasingly clear and calmer, it only focuses on what is today. For example, that I sit on this chair and breathe calmly and that I know what I can do now to fill my body with nice thoughts .... Exhale ...
Let everything sink again .... I slowly notice that I leave the red zone, maybe I can't make it to green ... but at least until yellow or maybe orange ?? Puuuuuuhhh
You no longer meet saber -toothed tiger behind the next corner of the house
Mother Nature has no disadvantages for the green zone - the green brain only has advantages - but of course both modes are vital and useful.
In contrast to the times when we lived in caves, not too many saber-toothed tigers roam and we don't have to constantly be a mode in the "combat or escape" mode to survive.
No, today we have to center ourselves as far as possible on the green zone and should go into the red zone - that will not be missing - then make you aware that after the "red" event it should go back into a wonderfully "green" mode as quickly as possible.
Because our body and our entire system needs a positive, green basic vibration. Then our body is fine and all your cells smile at you ...

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