January - time for new beginning and the decision for yourself
Still in the middle of the rough nights - and yet at the beginning of a new year, we look to what may come. What is going on in the world can give the impression that everything has come out of the edge. Maybe that's what it was? But maybe also because each of us should make the choice: Which life is really worth living for me?
In January the archetype works “the magician”. This archetype knows about your strength, knows about your connection to the field of ancestors and the forces of nature. She white simply. If we live the magician in ourselves, we are in wisdom and truth, without much action and tamtam.

Hesitation and hesitation is not very welcome by the magician. Don't wait any longer that someone can come from somewhere to change something in your life without you having to add it.
The magician will show you this - she will relentlessly put her finger on the wound - but only so that you learn and find yourself.
No time for hesitation
Perhaps you are doing this days that you feel the following feelings in you.
· You miss something in your life and don't know what
· You find life complicated and often have an inner chaos
· You are not clear about something - feel confused and seek support
· You live in the past or a mental lighting future. But you are not present with that and therefore not in your strength
· You are with a lot of what goes outside, do not agree - feel that it is distractions - but do not know what to do to find out of the distractions
I work from the inside out so that the outside can change
In the inside, it presupposes that we keep dealing with ourselves. That we become aware of what we do with our thoughts and what with our feelings. This means that if you put your thoughts and mental strength into power games that are currently being played all over the world - tragically with the annihilation of human life and animal life - then you can feel more and more confused internally. This even goes so far that you can feel that there is no way out of all these occurrences at all.
What can you do
If we steer thoughts in a certain direction and over and over again, we are increasing a lot of energy. Purpise your energy into good things and concentrate your attention in there.
One of the seven huna energy laws is: Energy follows attention. So direct your energy to something that is good for you that you enjoy, bring your heart love into you and only concentrate on it every day.
Let your "brain barriers" closed when you read negative messages in the media. Consciously decide what information you let in your brain and which are not. Think about whether you still want to see or read messages that keep your energies in a lower vibration frequency because they deliberately fuel fears to attract attention.
Life is simple - or not?
I think we complicate life. The cosmic relationships in which everyone is involved are simple and open up to you if you want to live afterwards:
· Be present - the present is the place you live in
· Use all of your senses in everyday life. Go through your day with open senses
· Listen to your abdominal brain / your gut feeling
· Sight then be one with the forces of NATU
· Be careful on you and go carefully with all other beings that populate this earth
· Decide for your own power - get your self -empowerment, which you might have already given up, back and take full responsibility for you
These are the basic rules. Simply and yet lived in her essence to keep it very difficult. Because if we live according to these rules, we become uncomfortable for many people, are no longer easy to live together and certainly no longer belong to the “mainstream”.
You always only find yourself
If you are ready to perceive the magician and follow her, she will show you the way to your deepest self - will lead you home. If you live your self -empowerment, then you live out your freedom from the inside - increase your inner frequency and act positively on everyone and everything that you encounter outside.
Ihr regt ein Umdenken an. 👏
Das ist genau das, was ich gebraucht habe. Genauso geht es mir gerade.
Danke für die Worte, die ich mir zu Herzen nehme.
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