Is it really that easy with the wishes?
We know from quantum physics that our thoughts, our words and our attitude to ourselves, to someone or something, can create realities.
In many guides, in countless YouTube videos, we are believed to be soooo just to transform our wishes into reality. Simply think positively and believe in it. But is it really that easy?

"Energy follows attention"
... this is one of the seven huna wisdom. Wherever we get our attention, our energy flows - so we either go towards the realization of our visions and goals or we go to the resistance of what we do not want, i.e. where we don't want to go. But our thoughts can easily become independent and we unconsciously linger with the things that we don't want to have in our lives at all.
If we draw our attention in a desired direction, our thoughts and the words formulated from it will be controlled to arrows and an arrow - once he has left the bow - focuses on a specific goal.
We alone load this arrow with a certain energy
The human brain is set to save things that are absolutely to be avoided in the brain so omnipresent that they remain in our perception. The brain wants the body to do not do anything bad - and so it stores the things that have scared us with a lot of enthusiasm have caused a defect in us or have already brought us into an uncertain situation.

We live in an end time - a time of the rule of the highest spirit
Most of us have heard that we are alone creators of our reality.
When we focus our minds on the "highest" goal, we pull it into our lives, which we are aligned with. However, the spirit is not a "wand".
It is not enough to simply think positively to cause life to serve us everything on the silver tray while we are comfortable in the hammock. The spirit acts more like a strong magnet who can put everything into life. What we want but also what we don't want.
With our energy, which we focus on something very specific, we can make life to bring about opportunities that we not only have to see but also have to perceive in order to get closer to our goal.
I have often had people in my alternative health practice who ask me what they do wrong with "wishes" because the desired and long -term praying simply does not want to get into reality.
It is not enough to firmly believe in success and repeat some great affirmations hundreds of times. If we wish something that is simply not intended for our life, the desired situation may - with a lot of willpower. However, persistent success in this direction is rather not.
If you were already wondering why your wishes are not so easy, then maybe deal with the following questions:
What in the inner fights do I still fencing with myself - am I not with myself - and therefore not in my full strength?
What attitude do I find in my goals?
Do I grab all the opportunities with the Shopf that are offering me to get ahead?
Do I appreciate my already done work to get closer to my goal?
Do I rather estimate small intermediate results? - towards myself or the other in my thoughts and actions.
It's about mental discipline and authentic life
A targeted life can require a lot of work and a lot of effort. Sometimes you have the feeling that people who want to achieve a certain goal, like walking around with blinkers, and not perceiving anything else around them.
In order to fulfill a desire to live into his life, mental discipline is needed and must be linked to an authentic life. Persistent and always - not just from time to time when it fits!
If you think of your wish and you feel an almost painful pull in the area of the heart, then you are already on the right track!
Create a vision of your heart's desire. Imagine your vision like this, so whether it is already fulfilled - without knowing how you can ever get there at all.
Live your heart's desire in your vision every day - but do not try to soufflate the spiritual world when the right time would be for its fulfillment ...
I tried - does not work :)))))))

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