From now on it's just about me!

The summer solstice is behind us. So far, the “rising” power has ruled in nature. We were able to follow this well through the warm days and the associated immense growth in the forest, the gardens and on all meadows.
The unambiguous power of nature was shown.
Now, in the second half of the year - until about December - nature is in its descending phase. Everything turns towards maturation, harvesting and maintaining the species by the seed.
Humans should also follow the example of nature and take care of themselves and their strength in the second half of the year.
The end of the energy year is here!
In the July newsletter you will find the energetic weather forecast for July. It is quite important because we have reached the end of the energy year, which in the middle of the normal annual count always ends on July 25th of a year. Actually a very good time to end something and give birth to new things. The warm summer days come and therefore time to rest a little longer and to rest - perhaps also in a hammock in the shade of a tree. Nice thought!
A first summary in the year run
When we look at the archetypes, “the midwife” rises with its strength in July. The midwife literally brings us to be - it helps us to the physical level. The midwife carries maternal and caring strength - but it also demands something: stability and reliability. This requires midwifery, because it requires our courage and whole authenticity to go steadfast and powerfully in these times - regardless of what others say or do to dissuade us from it.
You can trace the midwifery in yourself with the following questions:
What about my self -love? For my self -worth?
Do I express my feelings of heart love to others or do I not dare to speak out what moves me?
Do I withdraw from others?
Do I have a face that others can see or do I allow people to see me the way I am in truth?
Everything needs a room that can be born into
The days of rest are also there to find your way back to yourself and not to get out of the events out there. Even if you have the feeling that you do nothing - you do a lot for yourself! You are the most important person in your life ... please never forget that!
Breaks are petrol stations for life energy
Do this short exercise that can be easily integrated into everyday life and always find your breath and thus back to yourself.
Here is the YouTube link to the 10-minute exercise from the conscious-be-district of
Breaks are petrol stations for life energy and we need them so much in these times. Distracting on every "corner" attracts and most have the goal of confusing us so that we leave our path taken and indulge in this confusion and distraction.
All exercise fields!
Even if you feel that it has just happened again - that you were "seduced", then deliberately come back to yourself and continue your way. Do not annoy yourself, but be happy that you are perceived and back with yourself.
Because from now on it's all about you!
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