For the future - back to our origins

On 20./21. March we celebrated the spring day-night-equal and Ostara-and we see outside that nature can not be kept at no price.
No matter what happened in the dark time: trees, shrubs and plants want to continue growing - in the form that is now shown to them. And if the old form from last year is no longer available - find a new way.

Side view of a brown -haired woman

"We are creatures of the forest," says Wolf-Dieter Storl. Of course he is right. Our culture in particular has its roots in the forest. The forest was our homeland for a long time until people wanted to be sedentary, edit their country and hold animals. To do this, he had to fence his property and he pulled a fence around himself - mostly to protect himself from what came out of the forest - but with the need for security, fear also came.

The fear of the dark forest was born and it was left his mysterious darkness of the old, wise women who obviously did not scare to be at home.

The old, wise women who dared to stay beyond the fences.

Because they knew about what was hidden there. They went outside the fence, outside the hage and with it they were outside the community. They became the "Hagschen", they were also called "Hagezussa" and later the word witch became of it. The witch, which lives alone in the forest in her witch house and does peculiar things there - presumably she did forbidden. But in these old wise women the old knowledge lived on and survived the time how else in shamans and healers of other cultures.

Woman with closed eyes between trees

We are all at the beginning of a new order - a new form that we still have to grow into because it is unknown to us and triggers uncertainty. Just like nature is back before a new beginning.
In particular, we women are in the process of resuming all the "threads" that once connected to Mother Earth and thus restored the old strong connection.

We don't belong to Earth - we are our earth

We are born from her - get our bodies from her - we feed the whole life of her - and when we leave our body, we give it back to the earth. Which makes valuable humus from it, for all those who come after us.

Yes, we should focus on our future - a future as it is good for everyone - with joy and well -being within a healthy community.

But to achieve this, we have to remember. Remember what we were: people who "give birth" to the best of all worlds every day. Remember that we are at home with and in nature and want to live with her in peace and joy.

Remember that we are children of our earth.

The German Party The Greens shaped the saying many years ago: "Nature doesn't need us - but we need nature". I don't have this opinion. I think that nature needs us exactly as we do. Because nature has lost an important part a long time ago - man.

Let us return this lost part of our earth. Let's go back for our wonderful future - back to our origins.

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