Find your guiding star

Every day we hear thousands of "voices" about the media that literally shout us: come here. Listen to me. No, listen to me. I say the truth - no I say it. Buy that. Look here and listen to it. Prefer this and that. ... Laberlaberlaberlaber.

That can be pretty stressful. Perhaps we even get lost in these often negative reports and thereby get stuck on things that are actually not important and only steal valuable lifetime. Therefore, it is extremely helpful to have a guiding star that shines through the chaos and shows us the way through the thicket of the supposedly so incredibly important confusion.

An important part of your well -being lies in not being pushed out of your way from your way every day.

Find your guiding star: the practice

An important part of your well -being lies in not being pushed out of your way from your way every day. It is important that you go concentrated, even if you have the feeling that the world around you is playing just crazy!

Why is it important to have a guiding star

A long time ago I was a participant in a meditation retreat. One evening, when we went out of the hall after the last practice, I felt strangely confused and confused.

I wanted to pursue these feelings right away because they didn't actually meet my nature. Of course, such a retreat can happen that it touches the deepest levels of the soul. That can be quite uncomfortable.

So I went over a meadow towards the edge of the forest. In the meantime it was quite dark and I was happy for the flashlight. I looked up at the stars that shone brightly in the rather cold, clear night.

My eyes followed the Polarstern and a wave of relaxation came over me.

This sight was calming on me, it was something you could rely on. It connected me with my youth.

This sight was calming on me, it was something you could rely on. It connected me with my youth. My father showed me the big car and the polar star, which shines as the brightest star in the constellation "Little Bear" and can be seen well on clear nights. And even when I was in a tent camp as a teenager and we did a night hike, I believed, as long as I could find the Polarstern, I would find my way out of the dark forests.

In any case that night I looked up to the Polarstern for a long time and wondered: “I know what at all my Polarstern what my guiding star is? " I waited and the first answer came to me after a short time, just another seconds later. I immediately felt better. Calmer and dissolved.

That was my answers. For your answers you have to ask the stars yourself. Answers sometimes get faster and sometimes they have a longer way. Just stay tuned.

When you find your guiding star, you know exactly where you want to go. That alone feels damn good. This goal of approaching your guiding star will bring you and the people who are around you. This allows you to dream of larger dreams and perceive more opportunities in life. And once you get lost in the confusion of the loud world - you have your lighthouse here that brings you home.

Daily life caught us in banalities so often. It is so easy to get caught in routines and obligations that gradually determine the course of your life. It may look targeted and be necessary to make breakfast, bring children to school, go to work, then return home, to go to bed, go to bed and to repeat everything the next day - but in our inner we know that there is no deeper meaning that there is no fundamental goal, what clarity, meaning or even abundance of life results in a wide variety of forms.

Then life begins to empathize with hollow. Suddenly the majority are only about "getting through" than arriving somewhere.

Find your guiding star - how?

Take a thinking time. A break - just for you, go to a place that is important to you. Maybe you have such a place or are ready to find it for this and future time -out.


Now close your eyes, breathe calmly and evenly. Your spirit calms down with the calm breath. Breathe in and out several times. Breathe in a breath through the nose - breathe through your mouth - exhale as long as possible as you have inhaled. The thoughts become quieter and quieter - you gradually arrive with yourself.

Then ask yourself (and your subconscious), either loud or in silence: "What is my control star?" You can also ask the question differently, such as: "What is my goal?" or "What else do I want to achieve in my life?".

Keep your question in mind and just wait for what comes to you. Nothing overturn and do not hurry. The answer can be very quiet; Maybe you have to listen carefully to perceive them. It can be spoken to the voice of a child or with the, a wise teacher

The answer can also simply arise from you, from an inner clarity. It may not be a whole sentence but individual words.

The answer that came to me was the individual word "heart love", followed by "my potential life". But your answer can come in the form of a picture, a body sensation, a memory or simply out of wordless knowledge.

But if you get an answer but feel like you are even more confused now, you could ask yourself: "How can my control star lead me to this goal?" or "What's priority here and now?". Try to accept the answer that follows now - indulge in it.

It's okay if your guiding star changes over time. But whatever he is: let him guide you.

Write down what you get as an answer. Maybe on a post-it and then you stick it on the fridge. If you need more privacy, then encodes the glue, maybe you turn into words or only use the initial letters.

What would be important:

Always think of your goal, your guiding star before going to bed. Think about what you did today. It is certainly not always great, it can only have been a little thing, for example that you thought of your guiding stars intensively on a walk or at lunch break and you felt that you are on the right track.

Guide a diary

A good variant is also that you write all thoughts in the evening in a diary. Writing down means nothing other than getting the thoughts or deeds of the day on paper and with it. This does not have to be detailed and not in whole sentences. Write down important words or draw something in what you link to your goal.

But think of your guiding star every day and what he gave you as an answer.

Write in your diary which reward you will give yourself when you have reached things because you followed your guiding star. Also write down what difficulties you held you at what time. Write down what joy and what advantages it brought you and others when you followed him.

Leave these good feelings and knowledge into you and connect them to your guiding star. We all travel in one direction or another at every moment.

Please never forget: depending on which direction You walking, the moments add up and become your basic course in your life.

I wish you that your life will remain on your guiding star.

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