Courage to authentic life. Allow you.
I recently had an energetically strong dream. I born my own strength again. But she stood motionless on the threshold of a new path. I thought in a dream that she would go step by step now, but no, my strength stayed in place.
Why only?
I slowly understand in a dream that I have to "feed" my new strength. She needs my courage, my passion and my natural bond with Mother Earth.
I allow myself an authentic and brave life.
May belongs to the archetype "Die Lieber". And that is exactly what the awakening and acknowledgment of one's own strength includes. A new force comes into our awareness. Maybe she comes with a new path that can now be celebrated. Maybe she will bring us new friendships that will make a new way.
The archetype "The Loves" prevails in May
In May, recognize yourself, your strength and authenticity and have the courage to put everything on the outside. In May, the lover will support you in waking your passion in you or becoming strong again. No matter what topic: relationship, profession (ung), hobbies ...
Listen to the forces that nature now produces again. Nature is not afraid to put yourself and its exuberant power back on display every spring. Let her encourage you and allow yourself your authentic life.
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