Accept others as they are
I admit it: whether at home or in a more distant environment: Sometimes I wish that some people were different. Depending on who they are, I hope that they stop doing things, how to leave the disorder in the house, send spam emails or to push themselves to the baker. And I wish they would start doing things like being friendlier or spending more money on education. And even if I am not concerned with anything, I hope that people are more energetic, less anxious or less self -critical.

How do you want people to be different?
Think of the people in your environment - friends, family, colleagues, drivers on the highway, business people, media and politicians all over the world. It is normal to wish that others would be different, as well as it is normal,
To wish that you would be different yourself (for example, thinner, richer, failed). It is okay to try to make changes to other people and to influence them in a good way.
Letting the others only succeed if we stop fighting.
Instead, we could accept who they are and who they just are not. Accepting people does not mean to agree to them, to approve them, do without their own rights or to downplay their effects on themselves or other people.
Take suitable measures to protect or support yourself or others. Maybe you may just let her be human and step out of her environment. In any case, you accept the reality of the other person.
An exercise
Select someone who is important to you. Say the following sentences in your head or speak loudly and see how you feel with it:
"I completely accept you. Countless causes, big and small, made you a talks and acts like you today. You are who you are. I let you be like that. You are a fact and I accept the facts in my life. You and I are part of a bigger whole, what it is and I accept it."
If you want, be more specific and call aspects of this person who particularly disturb you, such as: "I accept that you ... snores ... that you let your clothes lie on the floor ... that you are always angry with me ... that you don't really understand me ... that you are not a good teacher for my child ... that you have broken the law ... that you violate people ..."
Remember that despite everything you do not have to agree with this other person, that you can ask difficult questions or turn away from him - while you completely accept these other people as he is ...

Look if you can tolerate everything while you open yourself to the acceptance of the other. We often avoid accepting other people because we are afraid of our own feelings when we open up to everything. For everything other people are and for what they are not.
Think about how you got involved with this other person while trying to change them. Perhaps you will be evaluated by your judgments, all the excess, irritability, your narrow views, your pain, longings, symptoms or remorse. See if you can let go of some of these entanglements.
Be open to the relief and peace that can come when you do it.
Also keep in mind how much you like the feeling of completely accepting other people. It is a nice gift - and we can give it to others if we accept it ourselves. Imagine how it can improve your relationship with someone if this person had the feeling that you would completely accept him.
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