A journey through the mystical time of the blocking nights and the rough night
Let go and say goodbye in DankbaRheit and love, from last year.
Even our Nordic, Germanic-Celtic ancestors knew about this important time of withdrawal.
The work of the summer and autumn were completed. On long winter evenings you sat on the warming fire and had time to pull a Résumé, which had brought the year so far. Were there disappointments? Was it a successful year?
It was also a time of oracle and preparation for the coming year. What will come? Where do I want to look? What do I want to go to my life?
The 12 rough nights were also called consecration nights.
With the spread of Christianity, it was often forbidden to celebrate the old rituals in the event of a death penalty. However, some of the old festivals were mapped over a Christian robe and so they survived the time.
The large number of fairy tales, myths and legends for the time of the rough nights have also survived in popular belief. They were whispered with each other, because mostly they are scary and creepy, but they also tell of a time of hope and redemption.
In these stories, people kept the knowledge of the infinity of the soul, the belief in a higher intellectual power that leads and accompanies all people and all beings.
The rough nights are the time outside of time.
If we assume that a moon month includes about 29.5 days and that this period is multiplied by the number of 12 moons, there are 354 days.
So 11 days or 12 nights are missing in order to count the year completely.
During this time, the gods were originally paid, celebrated and oracle. And there is a good reason, because the dimension store in other worlds is wide open and you had the peace and quiet to communicate with yourself and the other worlds. You went in search of his ancestors - for your roots.
During the rough night, it was easier to step out of his physicality and to step into higher levels and to linger there. On the dark nights, for example, it was conceivable for people that the 3 nors sit on their spinning wheels and continue to spider people's threads of life, interweave them with each other.
Rituals in this mystical time
Celebrating the time of the rough nights, gathering themselves and celebrating these dark days and nights with rituals is becoming increasingly popular. We humans long for the sources, the naturalness and the old rites that have integrated us into the annual cycle of nature.
We feel deeply in ourselves that we will develop ourselves further when we think back - on what was already so important to our ancestors.
And good preparation for the time of the rough nights was immensely important to our ancestors.
The blocking nacks and their meaning.
These days were the exterior and inner preparation for the meditative period of the rough night, which followed after the Nordic Julfest, the winter solstice.
The blocks are the 12 darkest nights of the year. They have their origin in the Nordic-Germanic region. And because we consciously follow the old path from the association, the locking nights are as important to us as preparation for the time of the rough nights as the rough nights themselves.
How do I clean everything during the blocking night
So the blocking nights are the 12 days before the winter solstice. In between there is still a day of cleaning. On this cleaning day you have the opportunity to clean yourself, your apartment, your house from top to bottom, with all people, animals and objects that are in it.
You clean yourself from everything that stays in the old year and you no longer want to take the new year with you. You can smoke everything for energetic cleaning. Traditionally, for example with mugwort or sage. There are also good incense blends that you can use to sweep off bad energies or bring desired energies into the house. Take a look around our shop and choose one of the incense mixtures that are specially intended for the rough nights. For example the house cleaning mix or Jul winter sun blend.
Use this time wise
The locks are a great opportunity to get your own healing on the way. Use these 12 days to do everything that is important to you. Bring everything in the house and garden, go shopping and do the laundry before you enter the very meditative period of the rough night.
The power of the moon supports you when letting go
The moon phases can support the manifestation of our wishes and goals as well as letting go of old patterns and dissolving old energies.
The full moon brings the energies to its peak. It's high time. You can become aware of a lot.
The decreasing moon helps you let go. The energies go back. It is a good time for cleaning.
The energies are at the low point in the new moon. Perhaps you feel here that you have little desire for activities. Respect if the body advises you to let you slide a little more than usual into the hammock. On the other hand, the new moon is a good time for a restart in a wide variety of areas.
The increasing moon helps you with growth and if you want to build something.
How do you count the blocked nights
Check out the last months of the year again exactly. Every locking night stands for a month. The first blocking night stands for January. The second blocking night for the past February etc. Think about what happened there and get to the processing of it.
Be honest with you. Check out all the events month after month - then release them and let go of them. The more intensely you take time these days, the easier the journey through the rough nights.
Ask yourself the following in the blocks:
What do I want to separate?
What do I want to let go?
What do I want to change in my life?
What or who can go now?
Take a good look at everything. Rejoice that it was in your life, thank you and say goodbye in gratitude and love.
Please note: No matter what experiences you have had in the past few months, always deal with you and the people who were intertwined in it.
Be in your self -love. Everything that was this year had its reason. Nothing, pure, nothing was in vain, because knew, not even a single raindrop falls in the wrong place. Trust yourself and trust your connection to Mother Earth and the spiritual world.
Locker nights and rough nights in the process
The blocking nights are there to let go and the rough nights are the time when you can invite new things to your life.
Since the winter solstice is a full moon festival, the Julfest is not celebrated every year on the same day, but precisely when it is a full moon. With the following count you can count the days from the winter solstice and look up the blocking nights, the cleaning day and the rough nights each year:
- The 12 blocking nights start 13 days before the winter solstice.
- The day before the winter solstice is cleaning day.
- Now he's finally here: the day of the winter solstice.
- The 12 rough nights start immediately afterwards.
If, like us from the conscious-Seins district, the origin of the ritual manufacturer, the old path follows and deeper into the Nordic Germanic customs at this end of the year, we would be happy to recommend our rough online course. In the description below you will find the link and the complete program of the course.
Click here for the rough online course on conscious-sein-kreis.de: link
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