Tragegefäß mit Blume des Lebens -

Carrier with flower of life

Regular price€29,90
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Carrier flower of life

Creates an absolutely harmonious vibration field

This vessel is particularly well suited for spatial and aurary cleaning. Due to the long wooden handle, it can be easily carried around in the apartment.
Go from space to space with slight swivel movements and smoke the corners carefully. In the case of aurary cleansing, you go with slight swivel movements from bottom to top around the person and you or her or him the smoke flags.

Iron with gold -colored iron cover, wooden handle
H: 7.5 cm, L: 23 cm, Ø 11.5 cm

Essential ingredients:

Information on the manufacturer and product safety

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Kerstin Mizkowski
Tolles Geschenk

Ich habe die Räucherpfanne meiner Freundin zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Sie hat sich sehr darüber gefreut. Die Ware war wie immer sehr liebevoll verpackt. Ich kaufe sehr sehr gerne bei Ritualmanufaktur ein.

Animal test -free


Sustainable & energetic

100% natural ingredients

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