Bio Rohkakao aus Costa Rica 4 kg Block -
Bio Rohkakao aus Costa Rica 4 kg Block -
Bio Rohkakao aus Costa Rica 4 kg Block -
Bio Rohkakao aus Costa Rica 4 kg Block -
Bio Rohkakao aus Costa Rica 4 kg Block -
Bio Rohkakao aus Costa Rica 4 kg Block -

Organic cocoa from Costa Rica 4 kg block

Regular price €368,00 Sale price€299,00 Save 19%
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Consider organic raw cocoa from Costa Rica


100 % more natural, ceremonial raw cocoa Costa-Rica.

  • incomparable, first -class trinario
  • 4 kg Blockware (cocoa cake)
  • particularly creamy and chocolate
  • From unrozen cocoa beans, vegan raw cocoa mass (cold-pressed)
  • Bio-certified and more than fair trade
  • Loving harvest through a certified small farmers' and cross-generational family cooperative
  • wonderful powerful cocoa Suitable for your ceremony but also as a healthy drinking chocolate or for cooking & baking
  • Zero waste packaging (compostable)


If you would like to develop in your full strength, this is the place for you!

With his powerful, wild side and love, he leads you back into your inner strength and serenity.


Particularly suitable for:

  • Community ceremonies
  • Gauge trip
  • Everyday situations in which you want to be very present
  • Powerful dance & movement sessions & meditations
  • Creative processes
  • enjoyment of life

Our scope comes along full of power Hence, which not only flatters your palate. First completely Gentle and creamy, he quickly unfolds his Stimulating and powerful effectwho only carries you through the day and to inspire want to out of you to get into the plot.

Many of our former coffee drinkers love him very much, as well as all dancers and circular owners who like to demand full physical effort. Perfect for a creative energy boost in the morning and for long nights.



I trust my inner strength and my knowledge. Everything I need is in me and comes out of me.


Magical force

Our raw cocoa 'compliance' is special from one loving note embossed. If you feel tired and the world around you seems overwhelming, he supports you To find your inner strength and a connection to yourself again as well as to make everything around you. The inviting and strengthening power of 'compliance' is Inspirational and invigorating at the same time.

He invites you To be in the flow of life and to vibrate harmoniously with him. He lovingly envelops you and calms your soul. Through his connection to the earth and air, he gives you A feeling of freedom and remind you of that you are able to create everything out of yourself.

It helps you to be completely at the moment and immerse yourself in the power of your own being to fulfill your place in this world with full presence. He is a loyal companion, especially in difficult times that helps open your heart and let love rise in you.


Useful information:

For a perfectly dosed cocoa also as 500 g  Drops available.

This is not just special Pratkisch in the morning, but also somehow also very much chic: To the drops


And what is Trinitario?

Trinitario, a younger type of cocoa, is harmonious - earthy with hints of flowers, caramel and cream, accompanied by a mild acidity, the taste profile of which varies depending on the growing area.

Bio -certified from the root to the package:



Do you feel like more?

-> More cocoa varieties

-> cocoa recipes


Essential ingredients:

Information on the manufacturer and product safety

Kühl, dunkel und trocken lagern.

Natürlicher, reiner Rohkakao ist reich an Theobromin und nicht für Hunde und Katzen geeignet!

Schon eine kleine Dosis kann für auf unsere geliebten Haustiere toxisch wirken und ist daher zwingend sicher zu verwahren, damit diese nicht unbedacht davon naschen können. Gib daher bitte immer gut acht, dass alle Vorräte ausserhalb ihrer Reichweite, sicher verpackt, gelagert werden.

Die jeweilige Produktverpackung und ggf- zugehörige Dokumente enthalten möglicherweise Angaben, die über die auf unserer Internetseite gemachten Angaben hinausgehen und/oder sich von ihnen unterscheiden.

Wir empfehlen daher ausdrücklich, sich nicht allein auf die Angaben hier zu verlassen, die in der Produktbeschreibung und auf der Webseite angezeigt werden, sondern sich vor Gebrauch der Ware stets auch sorgfältig die Etiketten, Warnhinweise und Gebrauchsanleitungen durchzulesen, die mit der Ware geliefert werden.

Bei Bedenken, bekannten Unverträglichkeiten oder Unsicherheit empfehlen wir zudem eine vorherige Rücksprache mit dem behandelnden Hausarzt.

Bordesholmer Str. 2
24582 Schönbek, Deutschland

R. Blöhß

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Animal test -free


Sustainable & energetic

100% natural ingredients

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